Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Not A Diet. It's A Lifestyle

I always consider Sundays my "cheat" days.  I work out and eat clean Monday-Saturday, weigh in Sunday morning and throughout the day I cheat and eat things I normally would not.

With talks of Hurricane Sandy this past weekend we decided to pack up and stay with my in laws.  Because it was Sunday evening and I had my cheat day I had packed healthy, clean food for the next two days we would be staying with Shakeology, fish, oatmeal, fruit, etc.  I even brought my Kenpo X!!  I was going to continue on the way I would at home.  Monday morning came and I fixed myself and my daughter our oatmeal.  Good start to the day right?  Welp... that's about the only good thing I had from that moment through Tuesday evening.

Everyone else started the day with eggs, sausage and mimosas.  I had a sausage.  Its was just one.  I wasn't going to kill my day.  Then I had a mimosas.  Eh, no big deal. that day and the next went on it only got worse.  Let me give you the run down..

Sugar Cookies
Parmesan Biscuits 

Crab Bisque 

Chili (there was White Chili as well)



Soda (I cant even tell you the last time I even had soda)
This wasn't even everything.  There was cornbread, BBQ pulled pork, pasta salad, and even some chocolate chip peanut butter dipped cookies made.

NOW...before you judge me (I'm sure some already have) let me explain my thinking before carrying on the way I did.  When I first started I actually felt pretty crappy.  This is gonna kill my "diet". I'm so going to regret this.  But then I thought....I'm not on a DIET.  This my lifestyle.  There are no set rules I've made for myself.  Nothing I CAN'T have.  I'm not CHEATING...I'm not playing any games lol 

When I started in July I made a decision...a choice that I was going to start living my LIFE the best way I can.  Not a period of my life.  This isn't something I plan on stopping just because I hit my goal weight.  I decided I was going to start eating clean and working out on a regular basis and I have.  Just as I made the decision to do that...I made the decision this extended weekend to indulge in some less healthy options.  And though I thought I was going to regret it...I don't regret a thing.  Even with the 2 pounds the scale says I gained between Sunday morning and today lol (hey I'm being completely honest here) 

My mother in law asked me this weekend if it was killing me that I wasn't on my usual schedule..and it wasn't.  I made the choice not to be on my usual schedule.  I came over completely prepared and chose to be lenient with my LIFESTYLE for those few days.  I knew that I was going to start right back up once home.  I have a loooong road ahead of me, but I'm VERY proud of how far I've come.  40 pounds is nothing to sneeze at.

So no, it's not a diet.  It's a lifestyle.  The word diet to me sounds temporary and this is something I'm committing my life to...being healthy for my family and myself.  If I choose to eat a cookie or four (LOL) every now and again so what.  It MY choice.  I know if I want to see results I just have to work that much harder when I....(not CHEAT) but make a conscious decision to have something less than healthy.

I completely enjoyed myself this weekend...this is just something I wanted to share from it =)
My prayers go out to everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy the past few days!!

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