Monday, December 2, 2013

The Truth

Truth can lose weight with any of these weight loss companies out there.  Its about finding a plan and STICKING with it.

I don't preach about Beachbody because I believe its the ONLY thing that works.  I just know its worked for ME.  Beachbody has most definitely been a huge part in helping me lose 100 LBS.  While this journey is not EASY...this company has made it a hell of a lot easier to help me get healthy and fit.

I've tried it all in the past... weight watchers, curves, the alli diet, hydroxycut, slim fast,  multiple gym memberships. I even used to go to a weight control doctor to get a shot of b12 and get my month worth of diet pills...I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS IN THEM!  Anything to be small right? smh. While these things did work...the results never lasted.  I wasnt in the right frame of mind and these didnt have programs that really taught me what healthy living was all about. 

Everyone always asks how i've lost the weight, what exercises i do, what do i eat, what supplements i take...Well lemme break it down to you HOW this company has made it easier for me to lose weight and keep it off.

FITNESS-They have provided me with workouts, an in home trainer and a schedule to follow daily.  I enjoy working out at a gym but it was not also possible for me to get to a gym.  I'm able to do workouts right in my home whenever I want/can.  And I dunno about anyone else but when I was overweight I felt extremely uncomfortable at the gym.  I didnt know what exercises to do or when and I always felt weird trying different things or asking for help.  Soooo this wound me on a treadmill/elliptical somewhere in the back most of the time.  I dont have to worry about any of that when working out at home. 

NUTRITION-Every program that you purchase with Beachbody has an easy to follow nutrition guide.  Not sure what to eat?  Not a problem!  Not only do they provide a nutrition guide but you also have the option to sign up for customized meal plans.  Makes things EVEN EASIER!  Speaking of easy...I get a daily dose of dense all natural nutrition in ONE glass.  With my Shakeology I get protein and essential amino acids to help build muscle and reduce food cravings, prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes, which aid in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption, adaptogens that help promote a strong immune system and give me energy and 23 vitamins and minerals my bod needs to function for optimal health.  All that in a serving!  Which means i'm not walking around taking a bunch of vitamins and extra supplements throughout the day.  That works for me! 

SUPPORT-  Through this journey and this company i've been able to link up with tons of like minded people that help keep me on track just as much as i help them.  Social support has been proven to be a huge factor in weight loss success.  It helps being able to connect with others that are sharing the same experiences and struggles as you, being able to share tips and advice, motivate one another.  I LOVE my team and fit fam.

CAREER- Thats right...not only has Beachbody helped me to get healthy and fit but its given me a platform to help others to the same.  Its given me a job i'm truly passionate about.  I'm not a personal trainer or nutritionist but i can share my experiences and what i've done to hopefully help inspire others and lead them to success.  And while i'm not a certified trainer currently beachbody does offer the opportunity to get certified in some of my favorite workouts!!  How awesome is that?

Now...once I tell everyone about what tools I've used to reach the success I have, the next question that comes up is always naturally money.  YES  these things cost.  I wish they were free but thats just not realistic.  No matter what, you will HAVE to invest when getting healthy....whether it be buying different foods, vitamins, signing up for a gym membership, etc.  You have to invest in yourself and your health!  Its not easy to do i know, but its SO worth it.  

So yes the truth is you can lose weight with a bunch of other tools out there, but Beachbody really is your total health and fitness solution.  They take the guess work out of getting healthy and provide you all the tools, motivation, information and support you need to get on track and STAY on track! 

If you're interested in starting your health and fitness journey or you've been on your journey and need some help along the way OR you're interested in becoming a coach yourself contact me today!

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