I woke up a 4am and went over the the gym at our leasing office and worked out for the longest 30 minutes of my life! Haha and then I posted my first accountability pic...
Not to inspire anyone. Not to encourage someone to get up and workout. It was completely selfish. I figured if I put it out there for essentially THE WORLD to see...that it would make it harder for me to fail because....who wants to fail in front of the world?!?
***Side Note*** I have since learned that failing is not the worst thing that can happen...but rather NOT TRYING in fear of failing.
Anyhoo....This selfish post turned into something I NEVER in a million years would have imagined. I'll let this video explain...
I'm still processing this video.
How awesome is this?!
When I posted that initial pic It wasn't the very beginning of the month. It wasn't a Monday. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't have a plan set in place. I had a needy 7 month old that wanted to be held all the time (My reason for being up at 4am...while she was sleep). I even had a family vacation coming up! I had plenty going on that could have kept me from pursing this weight loss journey. I just knew I needed to START.
Imagine the impact we could all have if we were brave enough to share our story. If we live our lives unapologetically. If we stepped outside of our comfort zones. Think of the change we could make happen if we just said YES to new opportunities. Even if the outcome was just ONE person feeling this way...
Anyway you get the point =)
Le'ts now take a moment to praise Stephanie and all her awesome hard work. You pop that collar....bone guuurrll! haha!
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